Green Living

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If you are reading The Questing Feast, chances are you are interested in environmental issues and green living – reducing negative impacts on our planet and creating a healthier life for your self and our world.

This page will share links and tips on Green Living topics.

Wheat Straw

Currently, wheat straw is touted as being the latest go-to for green living. Having all of our plastic products made from wheat straw we are assured of surrounding ourselves with healthy low-impact items which can be disposed of in our own or in community compost facilities.

Unfortunately, that is not necessarily so. While there are some great compostable wheat straw products, many more are made from wheat straw and resin. These resin products that use wheat straw as a filler not only do not break down in your compost, but they contaminate plastic recycling facilities. So, they are neither compostable nor recyclable. The worst of both worlds. Since wheat straw and resin products often are sold as compostable, a quick way to check the compostability: Is it dishwasher safe? If it is, it is not compostable.

The Great Outdoors

Part of green living is getting to know nature. Geraldine loved to camp and fish. In her younger days, she and my father were bow hunters.

Among the tools of the outdoorser is the belt knife. Here is an article on using a belt knife.