What a beautiful day in mid-May today is! Geraldine was born on 9 May, and so I have been thinking of her a lot. It was always a delight to sit with her in her garden and have sandwiches made with her delicious bread (sourdough, made with “Melissa,” the family starter), cheese or some such, and fresh spring greens from the garden.

To build this sandwich, start with an excellent bread, sliced thick. Butter it thinly, and spread with a bit more than that of home-made mayonnaise. Add a generous amount of Geraldine’s sweet hot brown mustard. Mash some of the sardines into the mustard and top with spring onions. Add a bit more mashed sardine. Top with nasturtium leaves. Top that with a whole sardine and garnish with a nasturtium.
Serve with an excellent beer or a glass of water with a squeeze of calamansi or lime.